Friday, March 13, 2009

i've been published!

some big news arrived in my mailbox today--next month's edition of "house beautiful" magazine with a little feature on "and furthermore"!!

it's a 2-page spread on etsy sellers and their wares, and i was fortunate enough to be included by the assistant editor, amy claire preiser. my caption reads: "retro with a modern flair. who would have thought a doily could look so hip?" cute, no?

it's to be followed up with an online supplement, including interviews with some of the sellers (me too me too!). i'll post the link as soon as there is one.

now i'll be waiting by the phone for a call from the executives at anthropologie. or maybe martha? this girl is just dying to sell out!


  1. Congrats on being published! That's so cool. Really enjoy your work - I browse your shops on etsy just for fun :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. hey thanks! my first ever comment from a random stranger!! it's nice to know people are checking in.
