Monday, June 29, 2009

spread a bit thin

i know i know, this once-every-2-months-blog-post-thing just ain't cutting it. but there is hope; i've finally turned the corner in this pregnancy and i'm emerging from the fog of exhaustion and nausea. i'm determined to get back on track with the blog (at least until our 1st home search finally pans out and i'll be deep in the throes of packing and moving. ugh.)

so meanwhile, i'm involved in a group show at Mercantile Home in Easton PA with 12 other amazing artists that i'm thrilled to be in the same room with! It's entitled "Illuminate" and runs through august.

and from the clock-making side of things, i just received some great new press in the july/august edition of Crochet Today magazine. they were kind enough to feature 2 of my clocks in their "we love it" section. woo hoo look at me!

and in case you don't have super-human vision...